Once you’ve bought your sample at an eligible store and have checked that the Offer is still available, you can upload a photo of your receipt by clicking your profile photo or through the My Products page and tapping the ‘add a receipt’ button.
*You can only upload using your mobile or tablet.
We’ve enhanced our receipt validation system to make things easier for you! Now, it can recognize all eligible offers from a single receipt, so there’s no need to upload multiple receipts for different offers. You can shop for all items and check out in just one transaction.
Tips for receipt uploads
- Take a high-quality, well-lit photo of your receipt that includes all of the receipt text
- If your receipt is long, take multiple photos from top to bottom to include all information
Your receipt photo will need to include the following:
- Store details & address
- Date and time of purchase
- Product details
Purchase total
Any photos that do not meet these guidelines will not be eligible for cash back.
An email from Tremendous (rewards@reward.tremendous.com) with a link to withdraw your funds will be sent to your inbox or spam folder within 48 hours once your receipt has been successfully validated. You’ll get to choose between a variety of payout methods to receive your cash back!
The status of the receipt you uploaded will be visible on your My Products page.
*Receipt uploads are only supported on smartphones and tablets. Newer iPads may not work as they sometimes present as desktop devices. Please make sure you are on the Mobile Site version of our website.